Who are you?

There is a huge amount of information in Scientology on the subject of VALENCES. What is a “Valence”? Essentially per the Technical Dictionary a valence is defined as:

“A valence is an identity complete with bank mass or mental image picture mass of somebody other than the identity selected by oneself. In other words, what we usually mean by valence is somebody else’s identity assumed by a person unknowingly.”

Psychiatry would be out of business if everyone was assuming their “own valence”. This would mean that we would have a sane population, a sane Planet to live on. Unfortunately, that is not the case! Joseph is in his father’s valence and his father used to beat up Joseph’s mother, so to keep his wife in order Joseph beats up his wife. Sounds crazy does it not but that is how it goes, and it is crazy!

In simple terms, Auditing is the tool that allows a person to recognize and shed valences and become more and more their “True Selves”.

“…. Then there are imaginary people valences, like practically every girl in America at one time or another has gone into the valence of a movie actress … One of the reasons why people go to see picture shows is to steal the valences of the actors and use them – go into those valences.

“The whole subject of acting is actually bound up in the subject of valences.  An actor only must be able to go into the valence of his character – see his character well and then step into that valence – and thereafter he will act almost automatically.

“Now, therefore, this manifestation of valences is something with which an auditor will have to deal.  In addition to that, he can actually predict the behavior of those around him by knowing whose valence they’re in – if he knew the characteristics of the other valence. ….

“Best thing to do is for an individual to be in his own being.  That’s pretty hard for an individual to do.  Most of the complaints you will get from preclears, as a fact, is, ‘I cannot be myself.’  And the people they hate most are the people who inhibited them from being themselves – people who interfered with them being themselves.  There is their principal hatred.”
L Ron Hubbard – Research & Discovery Volumes #10, pgs. 10-11, Effort and Counter-Effort, Overt Acts.

Valences can be assumed knowingly, as an actor does or to handle a particular situation. But when valences are assumed unknowingly; that is when the trouble starts!

“In any spin-bin you can find ‘Cleopatra’, ‘Napoleon’ and ‘Julius Caesar’.   You have people around who are always telling you who they’ve been.  It seems that the only lives they’ve led are the ones you’ll find in the Encyclopedia Britannica.

“There’s a reason for this, of course.  These guys (‘Julius Caesar’, ‘Napoleon’, etc.) cave someone in and the person’s attention gets stuck on one of these famous personalities.  One’s history gets mixed up because valences get mixed up.  And so, whole track recall, to some degree, tends to become invalidated. 

This invalidation (of one’s time track) is a fairly serious thing since the ‘road out’ includes good recall.  When you start straightening it out, you get a pretty good idea of who you were and why.”
LRH, Mission Into Time [1968], pages 27-28

This is as LRH says why the recall of past lives gets mocked and invalidated. However, as you move along the road to greater awareness and understanding the misinformation will fall away and you find out things about yourself that are sometimes shocking and usually fascinating. One of the greatest rewards of training is to become an Auditor so that you can assist the person you are helping (your Preclear) to discover their “True Self”, who they really are, and who they have been dramatising!

“I think it’d be safe to have people be themselves.

“I sometimes feel very lonely in this opinion. But it is—it’s safe to have people be themselves.

“Of course, it takes a certain amount of nerve to actually get in and unbale the valences to see what’s there. And you nearly always, even in taking a couple of valences off, find a better guy.

“And when you take them all off, you find a powerhouse. …

“Only valences keep people pinned down to one dynamic or two dynamics. Because a valence can’t be expansive. A valence is a narrowing and a blunting.”
L. Ron Hubbard – Excerpted from the Melbourne Congress lectures



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